Fröliche Öster

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Spring in England brings a variety of beautiful weathers.  One day fat snowflakes will drift like downy feathers caught in a current till they fall by gravity's heavy hand and blanket the hills below... the next day, Celestial light will peak through the clouds.  What a glorious Easter Morn it was, with the view of the pond with the sunshine glistening off its face.  

 When I first arrived, I opened my suitcase to discover an Easter present from home.  I love European candy, but I won't lie... I was very excited to get my traditional Peeps!!!  -  Thanks family! 

That day, elders consistently ventured outside to provoke -- and get attacked by -- the geese. We sang I Am a Child of God in 10 different languages, and at one of the meetings I had the opportunity to sing Come Thou Fount.  Boy have I missed performing!  We also had a devotional live from one of the apostles.  

I figured that our lack of internet would deprive us of our daily dosage of weird, but we definitely compensate!  Here are some of the quotes I have overheard this week.

* "I couldn't wear contacts.  I'd rather someone scooped my eyeball out with a spoon."
* "I'm like a pineapple: prickly on the outside but soft and sweet on the inside.
* "I imagine hell would be like when your feet are twisted and stuck in a sleeping bag that's too hot.  I think I would have a mental breakdown after a few days."
* "Sister Lundgreen, you couldn't sound angry if you tried.  It would be like an angry kitten."
* "My brain is like a microwave.  It just goes errrrrrr.  Nothing."
*  Another time during personal study, I got slightly distracted reading about the Dead Sea Scrolls in the Bible Dictionary.  I told Sister Gines this and then thought nothing of it until 12 hours later...  When she told our friends that I was researching "squirrels of the sea."  She had misheard "scrolls" and spent the whole day thinking I was a total weirdo.

{disclaimer: we are still in the giddy stage like I mentioned two weeks ago, so sorry if it's not actually funny}

       On a more serious note... In the Spirit of Easter, how incredible it is to think that the one perfect Man on earth would be willing to pay the price of sin for billions of people.  Sometimes I think about how long a year-and-a-half will be... I'm going to miss Adam's football games and guitar-playing, Eric's singing and cookie-dough-making, Sophie's personalized craft-making, Friday night adventures with Olivia and the graduation of Rachel.  But then I think about how long eternity is.  The number of missionaries who have walked the planet is so tiny compared to those billions.  My sacrifice seems so small when I think about the importance of bringing these people to Christ so that their families can be together till the end of time.

                                                                                                Swester Lundgreen

P.S. Everyone LOVES my puppy blanket!!

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