In the charmed land of Beethoven and Mozart, life is fast paced. Trams duck between towering skyscrapers and people stroll between shops. The air is thick with cigarette smoke and the wafting scent of exotic cuisine.

On Tuesday, the missionaries went on a tour around the city, and I went on exchange with beautiful Sister Gilmour. I continue to meet people from all over the globe, and this week have shook hands with people from Poland, Iran, Damascus, Syria and Holland, just to name a very few. I have also experienced the wisdom and might of a Kenyan preacher.
I've been asked a lot about the missionary schedule/food/etc, so here is a "typical" day for Sister Price and I, though it often changes depending on appointments:
6:30 - Rise and shine! We take a nice jog around the block in the nippy Austrian morning.
7:00 - We turn on some nice uplifting EFY tunes, get ready and eat breakfast. The dairy here in Europe is really good, so I typically get a bowl of plain yogurt mixed with honey, berries, banana, and musli. If not, we can get fresh bread cheap from one of the many bakeries dotting the city.
8:00 - Personal study, the most relaxing part of the day. Since I just finished the Book of Mormon again, I am rereading the Old Testament alongside the seminary manual and have already learned so much. I am also reading the mission's daily assigned chapters from the Book of Mormon. The goal of PS is to find something to help your investigators, and it always works.
9:00 - Companion study. We discuss what we learned in PS and look for the right scriptures/videos/talks that will help us in our lessons.
10:00 - Language study. German is not easy to learn, but I was equipped with 10 pounds worth of books plus a variety of apps for my iPad, so I learn slowly but surely. Honestly the best method of learning is immersion.
11:00 - 12 Week Training Program. Sister Price is an excellent, chill, hilarious and patient trainor, helping me with learning the language and the swing of things as a missionary.
12:00 - Lunch
1:00 - Go out and preach! This part of the day is the most flexible and just depends on when people want to meet. Some days are spent mostly just finding out on the streets or in parks, whilst we typically have 2 or 3 investigator lessons on Friday. We have also helped one ward family move out of their apartment and another family move into a different apartment. Another time, the missionaries organized a Fußball (soccer) and volleyball night as an activity that anyone was invited to. Really, the schedule is just always changing.
unspecified dinner hour - I love having a full hour to make food because we can just experiment. It's crazy how many recipes two girls can come up with just based off of whatever random ingredients are in the pantry. On Pday we just try make sure our fridge is stocked with a variety of fruits and veggies. From scratch we have whipped up Mexican chili with homemade tortillas, vegetable casseroles, curry, french toast, you name it.
9:00 - Daily Planning. Count numbers and make goals for the following day. Decide what topics we need to study tomorrow both with language and with scriptures, based off investigator needs.
9:30 - Chill out. Write in journal, get in PJs, the like. I have never enjoyed those cheesy church movies so much as when I was on my mission and want to relax after a long day.
10:30 - Bed
I can't believe how fast email time goes, but I am so excited for a new day of explorations in the beautiful land of Österreich.
Gospel Girl
(My companion in the MTC, Sister Gines,
gave me this nickname in the MTC :))
gave me this nickname in the MTC :))
- Monday, April 25, 2016